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Making the best of your condition to thrive and embrace every day.

Helping you live better days

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So many aspects of your life are out of your control when you receive a cancer diagnosis. You may experience hopeless feelings and loneliness.

We have created our coaching programs to help you gain clarity and reduce stress.

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As you find yourself transformed as a caregiver, you enter an unknown and obscur territory.

We have designed our coaching programs to help you identify new mindsets, behaviors, and strategies to reduce stress.

Coaching through awareness and connection

Our coaching programs are backed by behavioral science, mindfulness, and positive psychology.

Navigating uncertainty and overcoming challenges

Let's embrace this moment together

Our programs:

Image by Kalen Emsley

Weathering The Storm

Learn your stress triggers, reduce stress, and cultivate well being.

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For Patients

For Caregivers

The stress of dealing with cancer can affect not only how you feel but also how you think, what you do, and how you interact with others. 

What would be different if you could go through the process of learning how to identify your stress triggers and create ways for reducing stress and cultivating wellbeing?

It's about:

  • Discovering where you are, what is your level of stress.

  • Understanding the nature of stress, when and where stressful situations are occurring in your daily schedule.

  • Building awareness of your sources of stress and learning how to eliminate significant stressful situations or to make them less stressful.

  • Identifying your draining thoughts and learning how to reframe them.

  • Learning to live in the present moment to increase your ability to cope with stressful situations in effective ways.

  • Identifying your personal reactions to stress and feelings related to those stressful situations.

  • Incorporating stress management techniques and tools to your daily life to enjoy a healthier mind.

What you get:

  • Personalized individual coaching, 12 hours in total, for three months.

  • Stress Assessment Worksheet: before and after completing the program.

  • Energy Leadership Index attitudinal assessment & debrief. *

  • Mindfulness and stress management techniques and tools, to reduce stress and overwhelm.

  • Weekly Andrea’s Tips: coaching tips to help you make the most of your program.

  • Unlimited email and text coaching support.


* We all have default thoughts and perceptions. Through this assessment, you will discover how your perceptions impact how you see the world and your role in it. Identify where your perceptions might be blocking you.

Who it's for:

This program is specifically designed for those patients and caregivers who go through the challenging journey of cancer.

Image by Dominik Schröder

Navigating Your Emotions

Unlock your self-confidence for a better physical health.

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For Patients

For Caregivers

Emotional stress occurs when you encounter a situation that you don’t understand or don’t know how to navigate. Expressing your emotions leads to greater self-confidence and better physical health.

It's about:

  • Navigating the ups and downs of your own feelings.

  • Learning how to identify and shift emotions that are causing you stress and putting a strain on your relationship with others.

  • Assessing your emotional state and what’s stressing you out.

  • Understanding which emotions energize or drain you.

  • Expressing yourself emotionally in a way that others can more easily support you.

  • Understanding the impact that shifting your emotions can have on your wellbeing.

  • Expressing your emotions in helping you enhance relationships and communication.

What you get:

  • Personalized individual coaching, 10 hours in total, for three months.

  • Online stress assessment: before and after completing the program.

  • Wheel of Life assessment tool.

  • Mindfulness techniques and tools to reduce stress and overwhelm.

  • Internal Emotional Landscape Inventory process: BINGO.

  • Weekly Andrea’s Tips: coaching tips to help you make the most of your program.

  • Unlimited email and text coaching support.

Who it's for:

This program is specifically designed for those patients and caregivers who go through the challenging journey of cancer.

Holding Hands

Building Strong Relationships

Building trusting relationships with patients, caregivers, and healthcare team.

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For Patients

For Caregivers

Effective communication between patients, family caregivers, and the healthcare team is essential to improve patients’ wellbeing and quality of life. 

Good communication in cancer care is about building trusting relationships.

It's about:

  • Identify where are your communication gaps to better support your loved ones.

  • Learning to communicate and to express your needs and desires in a clear, direct, and accurate way.

  • Learning to ask for help: you don’t have to do it all, and you don’t have to do it alone!.

  • Discovering your beliefs and values and learn how to communicate them to your loved ones and your healthcare team.

  • Listening with a sense of curiosity to support and strengthen your relationships.

  • Building trust and rapport through active listening.

  • Developing communication skills to improve shared decision making.

What you get:

  • Personalized individual coaching, 12 hours in total, for three months

  • Values assessment

  • Energy Leadership Index attitudinal assessment & debrief

  • My Ideal Image of Me as a Dynamic Communicator Exercise

  • Weekly Andrea’s Tips – coaching tips to help you make the most of your program

  • Unlimited email and text coaching support

Who it's for:

This program is specifically designed for those patients and caregivers who go through the challenging journey of cancer.

Programs that work for you

Our mission is to transform the patient's experience


We are here to help you overcome uncertainty with guided support, education, and practical tools.


Together, beyond diagnosis, every day.

Coaching through awareness and connection.

Our coaching programs are backed by behavioral science, mindfulness, and positive psychology. 

They are designed to help you get out of being overwhelmed, to reduce stress level, so you can experience the quality of life again.

Cancer does not define you. Patients and caregivers need to understand how to manage and have a life as the medical treatment unfolds. 


As a Health Coach, my role is to meet you where you are and how are you feeling, and identify the type of support you might need:


We are here to help you:


  • Manage your stress, mood, and emotions. To help you acknowledge the frustration and handle the fear.

  • Identify stress triggers and create ways to reduce it.

  • Create goal-oriented plans that help you manage particular challenges

  • Access available resources or remind you what is already working and identify who is in your corner

  • Developing communication skills to build stronger relationships 


We will work by your side to help you improve what is important to you.

You have the power to choose to live better days.


"Participating in the coaching sessions has marked a "before" and "after" in my way of considering not only my diagnosis but also rethinking any situation in my life.

Coaching has given me the strength to show my emotions, without feeling vulnerable or afraid of being judged.  It has helped me to recognize my inner dialogues and interpret them.  And 

the greatest gift of these sessions has been being able to enjoy the moment - live one day at a time.  Coaching has allowed me to recover the freedom and to live in freedom.


Thank you, Andrea, for helping me embrace my emotions and teaching me various tools, which allow me to express my emotions positively


Thank you Andrea!"


Isabel Diaz Gomez



"My mom is a brain cancer survivor and can be very demanding on my family and me. Since working with Andrea, my biggest win has been discovering where my frustration was coming from and how to let it go. This has changed my life in a very positive way."

David Goodall


Are you ready to live better days?

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